
Physical address:
​6296 Donnelly Plaza
Ratkeville, ​Bahamas.

ICPIC 2023

C-PC in Circular Economy:

Searching for a New Paradigm

I am delighted to cordially invite you to participate in a special Symposium entitled “C-PC in Circular Economy: Searching for a New Paradigm” which is to be held on 18th September 2023.


The Circular Economy, CE, is becoming more and more important, although the reasons are many. These include economic change, disruptions in supply chains, shrinking natural resources and environmental protection. Polymers in concrete, C-PC, are a fairly recent phenomenon in the centuries-old history of concrete. C-PC as new technology was the leitmotiv of the first ICPIC Congress, which was held almost 50 years ago. And now the time has come to search for a new paradigm in this field.

During this Special Symposium, you will have the opportunity to listen to some inspiring lectures, as well as take part in a general discussion on finding new solutions for C-PC in the circular economy.

This Special Symposium is an integral part of the 17th International Congress on Polymers in Concrete ICPIC Conference, which will take place on September 17-20, 2023 in Warsaw Poland.

Professor Lech Czarnecki

Chairman of the Symposium
Prof. Lech Czarnecki

A word from the Organizer

Ph. D. Eng. Robert Geryło
Director of ITB the Building Research Institute

The construction sector has become increasingly aware of sustainability, including the environmental, social, and economic dimensions. Nowadays it is important to implement the principles of circular economy – reduce the consumption of natural resources, as well as reuse and recycle construction products and elements.

The issue of sustainable construction is one of the main directions of the Institute’s activity. Our research potential consists of laboratories and specialized staff with many years of experience, offering a wide range of services to support sustainable constructions.

Instytut Techniki Budowlanej is a co-organizer of the 17th International Congress on Polymers in Concrete. Taking advantage of such an opportunity, we decided to organize a Special Symposium under the title “C-PC in Circular Economy: Searching for a New Paradigm”. Prof. Lech Czarnecki, Scientific Secretary of ITB, is a recognized authority on C-PC. He invited experts in the field of C-PC and together they prepared interesting lectures on the search for a new paradigm in polymers in concrete.

I hope you will join us in this quest.


The tentative program of Special Symposium:

The program below is tentative and is subject to change. We will keep participants informed of all changes in the schedule.


Instytut Techniki Budowlanej (Building Research Institute)

Warsaw, Poland

The Building Research Institute conducts research works in the field of construction, with the view of their implementation and practical application. The ITB is supervised by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology. For 75 years, thanks to the experienced staff using the most modern research methodologies and specialist measurement equipment, we support development of construction both in the country and abroad.

We are a part of:

17th International Congress on Polymers in Concrete ICPIC 2023

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